Since 2003. Curiously forward music through hand-to-hand combat and spontaneous media.


Taped Up

Part of me wants to say gone but not forgotten and part of me wants to say, noooooooo, dont let it go!!!


CB Rad(io)'s Record Rundown

CB Radio DJ Posse recently hosted an exclusive private party where they took time out to give us a rundown of slept on dollar bin type records for sure to get the dance floor cracklin.

(records provided by Roche)

Blackbyrds- Flying Start [1974]

Creative Source- Creative Source[1973]

MFSB- MFSB [1973]

Brought to you by: Stella Artois

Willie Jackson- The Way We Were [1975]

A Taste of Honey
- A Taste of Honey (produced by the Mizzells!!) [1978]

Dynamic Superiors - Give & Take [1977]



Pugslee Atomz and Hi Tek- You Go !!!

If you don't know about the homie Pugslee(Pugz) Atomz from Chicago, here's a great introduction to his music, "Black Boy" produced by Hi-Tek(who laces him with a hot beat!!!) ft. Hall of Fame. It's off his new album "Conversations with a Chameleon", you can cop it here

Also, be on the look out for "Only When I Dream" a new track from our very own Roche featuring Pugslee Atomz!!!



Hold On Fam

you probably seen this already, but if you haven't...

too funny.

Flying Stunts!!!

hopefully you know by now that flying lotus is a monster on the beats and word is he is playing with the ed banger set this week in Hollywoooooo. makes sense after we found this on the palmsoutsounds blog:

Also check out his new EP on Warp Records, Reset (cover art above). Support good/ innovative music!! Think this cat has pretty much gotten to the level of "cant do wrong" status.